Crisis Communications
When handing crisis communications, there is no substitute for experience. CROSSMEDIA has supported clients through unexpected and high-stakes situations, oftentimes with little advance notice or time to prepare. We have the skills to advise companies facing a crisis, and have managed situations ranging from merely troubling to grave.To address crisis communications effectively, a company must be well-prepared with the best internal and external resources working together as a team. Possible crises include natural and man-made disasters, unplanned management changes or illness, missed guidance, plant closures, activist shareholders, product failures or recalls, failed clinical trials, patent infringement, litigation outcomes, online slander and more.
CROSSMEDIA works closely with its clients to mitigate negative stakeholder reactions to events that may threaten a company’s reputation or business plans. We also recognize that a crisis is likely to require an immediate public communication (at times with only limited information), as well as
ongoing work to provide updates and/or fully address the situation. Although no two crises are alike, CROSSMEDIA has crisis communications templates that can be customized to a client’s circumstances and experienced teams in place to respond quickly when called into action.